All the projects you will find on our website are designed by ourselves, and the software configuration is created by us.
Of each project we have built a prototype to ensure it is working as expected and we will make sure it has been tested thoroughly.
For the software we will mainly use the ESPhome firmware, for which we will provide the configuration. The ESPhome firmware is a very powerful firmware package for the popular ESP8285, ESP8266 and ESP32 IoT WiFi module. If you’d like to know more about it, check:
All PCBs will be available for sale through our partner PCBway to ensure you will get a high-quality PCB for a good price. A BOM (bill of materials) will be provided for each project with links to the parts at AliExpress. By using the Affiliate links provided by us to buy your parts, you will support our site with no extra cost to yourself. That will allow us to recover some of the costs we make during the development of the projects.
Our designs are proprietary and intended for DIY and home use only. Commercial mass production or use of our name is strictly prohibited. If you would like to commercially (mass)produce any of our designs, please contact us to discuss terms and conditions.
If you are just getting started with electronics, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Please check out our Tools and equipment article to get you up and running!
If you would like to support us please use our links for purchasing items and subscribe to our youtube channel, so you won’t miss a thing!
We are always happy to test new Home automation products from manufacturers, especially if they contain an ESP chip as the products heart 😉
Contact us if you would like to send us your (new) products!
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